You’re never too young or too old to serve. That vision for myself, to be faithful and whole heartedly devoted to God and his mission, is the same vision I have for the church. Since becoming a disciple on August 12, 1984, I’ve served in the Tallahassee, Boston, and Baltimore churches. While in these different ministries, I have served as an assistant bible talk leader, bible talk leader, and children’s ministry leader of a zone.I have always had a love for serving and helping advance the gospel in any capacity that God sees fit for me to serve. In my former career as an educator, my dream was to inspire my students to become lifelong learners. My dream in the kingdom of God is very similar. The need for everyone in the kingdom, young or old, is to rise up, embrace the talents God has given you, and to allow others to help and to disciple you to use those talents for God. Melinda currently serves as part time administrator for GBC.